Coworking in Tampa, Florida

Coworking Tampa BETA is ready!

As many of you know in addition to weekly Tech Rants and our occasional Jelly sessions at Café Hey, we have been in search mode for a location to house a dedicated coworking facility similar to the ones that have successfully launched in cities all over the world . We are reaching out to you as you have expressed interest in participating in Tampa's first coworking facility. We appreciate your patience through our early efforts to get off the ground.

We have identified an ideal location (after an almost year long search) and have begun negotiations on a long term lease. Since it was always our intention to roll out coworking in phases we have elected to move forward with a limited version (Beta) and open the doors in a temporary facility ASAP while we continue work on the build-out and formal launch of the dedicated IdeaField office space.

So, in preparation for a version 1.0 launch later this summer, we are announcing a soft-launch or Beta version of IdeaField Coworking to our early supporters and Charter members. IdeaField’s Beta will be housed at the Elevation Brand offices at:

308 E. Oak Avenue Suite 201 Tampa, FL 33602 Map

This venue is in Tampa Heights just a few blocks north of our beloved Café Hey. There is ample street parking, free wifi, desks, chairs and a conference room. In recognition of the Beta status and reduced amenities, there will be a modified rate schedule. For members the normal monthly fee of $150 will be reduced to $125 per month. This rate will remain in effect until the opening of the full time facility.

We are open as of today, Monday 6/15. The office will be accessible to members Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 5:30PM.

Please download the membership agreement here, then complete and return it to or fax it to: 813.463.1790, payment will be due upon your first arrival at the space.

Thanks and we hope to see you there!

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